On March 21-22, 2019 the regular annual young scientists Conference “Modern Aspects of Biochemistry and Biotechnology” was successfully held in Palladin Institute of Biochemistry. The Conference was organized by the Young Scientists Council of Palladin Institute of Biochemistry with the support of ALT Ukraine Ltd –advanced laboratory technologies Company. Young scientists from Kyiv, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Chernivtsy, Ternopil, Poltava took part in the Conference as oral speakers. In addition to traditional sections 'Biochemistry’, ‘Biotechnology’, ‘Molecular Biology’, ‘Medical Biochemistry’, ‘Biochemical mechanisms of resistance to adverse environmental conditions’ a new section ‘Translational Studies’ was included into the scientific program of the Conference. This section was devoted to the research directed on creation of the new therapeutic and diagnostic methods and on overcoming the long way from idea, it’s in vitro approval to the in vivo testing and application.
A panel of workshops devoted to computer analysis of biological images; methods of biological experimental data statistical analysis; quantitative polymerase chain reaction for gene expression estimation; spectrofluorometry as a rainbow force for biochemists service were organized to extend the practical skills of young scientists.
The honorary awards for the best oral presentation were given to Anna Myronova (“CRISPRa-mediated direct cardiac reprogramming of embryonic rat fibroblasts”), Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv; Yevgen Stohnii (“Epitope determination of novel fibrogen-specific antibody by limited proteolysis”), Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv; Anton Tkachenko (“Fascin is upregulated in nasal mucosa in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps”), Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv.
The honourable mention prizes for interesting scientific reports were presented to Vira Borshchovetska (Yurij Fed’kovych Chernivtsy National University, Chernivzsy), Olga Revka and Valerija Zhovannyk (Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, Kyiv), Maxim Skrypnyk (Ukrainian medical stomatological academy, Poltava).
The meeting was held in a creative and friendly atmosphere with constructive and helpful discussions. The abstracts of the oral presentations of participants will be published in the “Ukrainian Biochemical Journal”.
The head of the Conference Competitive Comission
Dr. Sc., Prof. Olga Matyshevska
The head of the Young Scientists Council of Palladin Institute of Biochemistry
PhD Tetjana Jatsenko