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Dear Colleagues,

We’d like to remind you that the deadline for the 19th FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum (YSF), taking place in Krakow 3-6 July 2019 just before the 44th FEBS Congress, is now very close: 20 January 2019!

Only members of FEBS Constituent Societies can take part in this popular meeting, and those selected for the event will have their participation in the YSF as well as the ensuing Congress financially supported by FEBS.

Brief details for a posting:

The 19th FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum

3–6 July 2019; Krakow, Poland

Application deadline: 20 January 2019

More information: https://2019.febscongress.org/ysf-welcome

Professor Tatiana Borisova,

Foreign Secretary, the Ukrainian Biochemical Society,

Tel. +38 044 234 32 54

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