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      Dear Colleagues,

Earlham Institute invites UBS members to 2nd Interdisciplinary Signaling   Workshop, Visegrad, Hungary.

 In July this year, Earlham Institute is running the 2nd Interdisciplinary Signaling Workshop in the Rennaisance city of Visegrad in Hungary http://signalingworkshop.org/.

The workshop will combine scientific talks from experts in cellular signalling (covering, amongst others, topics in genomics, network biology, cheminformatics, systems modeling, and proteomics), team-work activities addressing current research questions in signaling using multi-disciplinary approaches, and informal summer and cultural activities. More on the importance of interdisciplinarity for network medicine in the article linked on this page by the organisers of ISW2014 http://signalingworkshop.org/downloads/
The combination of relaxing location, participative afternoon and evening sessions, and enthusiastic experts provides a great context for promoting collaboration, networking, and interdisciplinary learning and exploration of key questions in signaling.
To learn more, see the workshop website http://signalingworkshop.org/
The organizers are offering 15% discounts for any participants from the same institution as one of the ISW2017 invited speakers, or for groups of 3 or more participants from the same institution.
The organizers are also offering a limited number of travel grants.
Best wishes,

Professor Tatiana Borisova, Ph.D., D. Sc.

Head,  the Dept. of Neurochemistry,

Foreign Secretary, the Ukrainian Biochemical Society,

Palladin Institute of Biochemistry NAS of Ukraine

9 Leontovicha Str., 01601, Kiev, Ukraine

Tel. +38 044 234 32 54; Fax. +38 044 279 63 65

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